The term “homecare” usually refers to a type of specialized assistive treatment, which is conducted for patients who don’t require facility care. However, in some cases, it can also prove to be an ideal solution for those who cannot be relocated to a hospital.
Unlike how it may seem, a homecare system is extremely common, especially amongst elderly people. According to a report, almost 97% of individuals (aged 65 or more) require assistance regarding bathing and getting in or out of bed.
This is where the homecare infrastructure comes in.
In this system, a healthcare organization provides a caregiver to the patient. They, in turn, help the person in need with all of their daily activities, such as visiting the lavatory, showering, eating, etc. As of now, almost 814,300 people are working as home-health aides.
Nonetheless, there’s a hitch.
In a homecare system, the caregivers can only help an individual with most of the non-medical activities. However, if the patient suddenly requires critical medical guidance, then they may not of much help.
In this aspect, implementing a Tele-ICU system can be beneficial. But, how is it going to help in treating the patient? Let’s learn more about it.
How Does Tele-ICU services from eNext ICU in Homecare Work?
According to a report, only around 20% of caregivers usually have a degree of professional-associate or higher. Therefore, it won’t be a good idea to depend on them during a critical situation.
So, how would Tele-ICU work in this aspect?
To begin with, by using a Tele-ICU system, you (or, the caregiver) will be able to contact a healthcare organization promptly. Now, once you can get in touch with a physician, they will ask you to perform a few steps to stabilize the patient.
Owing to the real-time audio-visual technology, the doctor will be able to see everything you are doing. This way, it will be easier for them to guide you meticulously.
Besides, by using Tele-ICU, a physician will keep monitoring the unhealthy person’s situation and act promptly when needed.
Why Should a Tele-ICU System be Implemented in Homecare?
There are several reasons that prompt most doctors to advise their patients to integrate a Tele-ICU system in their homecare agenda. Some of these are –
Lowers Mortality Rate
Owing to the usage of audio-visual technology, doctors can monitor their patient’s health with a Tele-ICU system. This, in turn, can help them in diagnosing critical conditions early and minimize the risk of death. As per a study, the mortality of critical care patients can be reduced to almost 60%. Conversely, the treatment-related complications will also be lowered by 40% due to the effective infrastructure of a Tele-ICU system.
Reduces Medical Errors
Medical errors and mistakes are known to be the third leading cause of patient deaths. A John Hopkins Study has claimed that almost 250,000 people lose their lives in the USA due to this reason. The number reaches almost around five million in India.
However, due to an excellent tracking and diagnosing system, Tele-ICU can put a hold on this issue quite impressively. Moreover, it can lower the during of staying period in hospitals by almost 40%. Hence, it may quicken the treatment speed in a homecare environment as well.
As per a study, almost 1.6 million in India lost their lives while suffering from a curable disease (2016). Most of such incidents happened to those people who were under a homecare routine. Apparently, they died due to poor quality of care and health management. However, this grave situation can be uplifted successfully by implementing a Tele-ICU system by eNext ICU. By using it, medical errors will reduce massively due to the continuous monitoring of specialized healthcare professionals. It, in turn, will lower the overall mortality rate in India and advance the country even more in the scenario of medicinal treatment.